
Rescued Box

We source local, fresh and seasonal delicious fruits and veggies and sort your rescued boxes as handpicked from the fields. We create our rescued boxes based on the produce surplus of the week. If you’re allergic or don’t like a certain fruit and veg just tell us in the comment box and we’ll replace it.



Simply sign up, subscribe and choose the rescued box that fits your personal lifestyle. We provide three different sizes:

  • Small: 3 types of fruits & 7 varieties of veggies (perfect for individuals or couples)
  • Medium: 4 types of fruits & 8 varieties of veggies (perfect for 2-3 people)
  • Large: 4 types of fruits and 9 varieties of veggies (perfect for families of 4-5)


To reduce our carbon emissions, we optimise our routes and delivery time will vary depending on your region.

If we don’t deliver to your area and express an interest in our boxes, please join our waiting list and you will be notified when we start delivery in your area.


Get creative!

Explore different ways of combining exciting and fresh ingredients by supporting our farmers and choosing local produce. Share your rescuedbox meals with us on social media and tag your photos @rescuedbox #rescuedboxmeals


Cancel any time

You’re in control! You can cancel anytime and miss any deliveries if you are on holiday, take a break or if you simply haven’t finished all your delicious fruits and veggies – we don’t want you wasting anything! Simply suspend your delivery option anytime before your renewal and we will not deliver your box the coming week. Activate again to start receiving as normal.